This anaconda was caught alive by a long struggle after 37 days and killed by the Royal British commando force. This snake had eaten 257 people & 2325 animals. The world's largest Anaconda was caught in Amazon forest. In June 2015, a story containing oddly specific details (e.g., how could the number of animals this snake had killed be known?) was attached to these pictures: First, the video claims that the snake is at least 75 feet long (which is more than twice the size of the largest snake on record), and second, the video was uploaded by a cryptozoologist (Marc Anders) who frequently employs digital manipulation to speculate about the existence of creatures such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster. While we haven't been able to determine how the image featured in the above-displayed video was created, we have been able to determine that it is fake based on two factors. Although most of the photographs included with the "world's largest anaconda" rumor came from the student project displayed above, another image purportedly showing the enormous (yet fictional) snake originated with a YouTube video published in 2012: